I cant believe it. My plan was to post regularly. Meaning, ambitiously-once a week, realistically- once a month. Or I guess more realistically... like every.... 7 months. :( So. Here we are in FALL. Beautiful sad dismal stunning scented lighted gorgeous Fall. I'm so tired in the Fall. My body has always been extremely in tune with seasonal changes. What's new? I miss traveling and planning travel. I miss hugging my friends and my kids. I don't mind wearing a mask in public places. It's actually so smart. And I've always been a frequent hand-washer. Barnwords won't be in any shows this Fall because they're cancelled. But I will have a set up at the wonderful Northwind Perennial Farm again this year! That is EXCITING. Last year, dear Colleen was kind to ask me and this year I am totally psyched for it. Please go to Northwind in southern WI when they open for Xmas and look at all the beauty that is there...plus Barnwords! Thanks a million!
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