So. Happiness.
Something I have spent A LOT of time thinking about. I have come to a conclusion. Of course, it could change.... But here it is. Artists and art-makers are happier than the average joe. Here is why. We have the opportunity(?) or the outlet of doing something we love to do, even if it makes us no money. Naturally, making money is better...but, even if not...we can find some joy in the creating. I have so many friends who are not happy or who question their happiness... I have had many discussions with loved ones about this ...WHAT makes us happy? What is the point of life? We are here a relatively short time, I feel. Shouldn't we enjoy it? I read a great book years ago by Gretchen Rubin called The Happiness Project and I really loved it. I outlined many things...highlited and earmarked pages, but the fact remains.... I feel unhappy sometimes. I think that the era of social media we live in impairs our ability to be realistic about our happiness. Countless friends posting 'happy' pictures and seemingly 'happy' life events... all make me feel like a loser. Where is MY happy life event? where is MY happy life? But I've come to this conclusion....It's all falsified. I'm as happy as the next guy. Even more so possibly, since I'm not POSTING about my perfectly perfect life. HA! Anyway. I continue to strive for happiness and satisfaction. And money too....cuz hey, I'm a believer. I believe money can buy MY happiness. :) But in the meantime.... I'll make something. And you should too.
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